- Created: 07-03-22
- Last Login: 07-03-22
Description: Ford Factory MSRP price on window sticker $69554 Link to website with factory window sticker https://www.stearnsford.com/api/inventory/GetStickers/?sv=MQBGAFQAVgBXADEARQBMADQATgBXAEcAMAAwADYAOAAzAA%3d%3d&make=Ford&cguid=SH-2e5b8a98-d201-dced-f455-b1665016bc8f Stearns Price MSRP $139,900+ $2995(market adjustment) = $142895 Markup = $73341 Link to website with markup https://www.stearnsford.com/new-Burlington-2022-Ford-F+150+Lightning-Lariat-1FTVW1EL4NWG00683
Publish Date: 07-12-22
Description: Markup was at least $20k over the $58K sticker price maybe even more for the F150 Lightning Pictures of 70k+ markup
Publish Date: 07-11-22