Christine Gabel
- Created: 04-27-22
- Last Login: 04-28-22
Description: YES, they will convert your "Wave Invitation" for your reserved Lightning at markup!
Publish Date: 04-27-22
Description: Lightning at markup! I was able to call Ford & request my Wave #6 reservation be switched to a different dealer, who is ordering all at MSRP! I would highly recommend doing this, as soon as you get your "Wave Invitation," if your dealer is going to charge you over MSRP!
Publish Date: 04-27-22
Description: NO MARK-UP ON LIGHTNING, 100% GUARANTEED! Lightning at markup! I was able to call Ford & request my Wave #6 reservation be switched to a different dealer, who is ordering all at MSRP! I would highly recommend doing this, as soon as you get your "Wave Invitation," if your dealer is going to charge you over MSRP!
Publish Date: 04-27-22