Dale Willey Honda

Dale Willey Honda
Michelle Save on 07-10-22
Dale Willey Honda

The sale was hurried due to needing a car immediately.  I did not get a chance to look at the sticker price.  I was told the vehicle was $40,285, which I thought was high, but didn’t say anything.  I was exhausted from looking around for a car.  The window sticker was removed and folded up and inserted with the owners manual.  I did not notice the price difference until a week later.  I am more upset that they did not ever mention that they were charging over MSRP.  I know that is common at this time. I am just upset that they were not upfront about the markup.  I would have at least tried to negotiate the price down some or even passed on the vehicle had I known. I feel cheated in that regard. 


2851 Iowa St, Lawrence, KS. 66046

Year 2022
Purchase Type Off The Lot
Observed/Witnessed/Viewed Date 07-01-22
Was Dealer Transparent about Price? Not Transparent originally but immediately made me aware of it on the first interaction
Honda CR-V

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